Hawking Radiation Explained Simply Or How Black Holes Explode
The dark openings are probably the most unusual and fascinating stories known to man. The name is correct because, first of all, it is dark, which means it casts all the light that is coming, and it does not reflect anything in the background. It opens because it seems to be limited to the timing of the room. The space in the event space does nothing like empty space. However, in 1974, Stephen Hawking speculated that black exposure would not be as dark as all imaginable. His calculations have shown that when you apply the laws of quantum mechanics to traditional body science that once understood our understanding of black openness, you find that it shines. They emit rays. They light up the photons. However, how is it possible that this can be assumed that dark openings can only include light? Also, if you think it can’t reflect light, where do these photos come from? How could they be built? There is no doubt that these photons would not have come out of nowhere.
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Or On the other hand can they? Clarity comes at this point… The gravitational force around the black hole is so strong that it is assumed that there is no escape, including light. In case we ignore the quantum mechanics, in the archeology of style, the size of the black opening does not decrease, it may remain the same or increase because nothing can come out of the black opening. In any case, things can get into it, so it can get bigger that way. Either way, things cannot escape you. If it is possible for strength and power to be added to the black opening, its width should be large. If you assume that the height increases, its upper region will also grow in shape: A = 4piR ^ 2. This is the perfect equation for the surface area of any circle. With a black opening, the R in this case is known as the Schwarzschild span. Also, this list corresponds to the magnitude of the black opening as shown by the following scenario: For Stephen Hawking and others, the idea of a surface remaining the same or expandable object looks similar to the second law of thermodynamics.
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The second law of thermodynamics states that "In any normal cycle, the entropy of a closed frame always rises or remains stable, it will never diminish." Hawking, therefore, introduced the same view as the hypothesis of black opening, and it became known as the second law of black opening machines. Moreover, it says: "In any normal connection, the surface area of the open space of the unstable blackness is constant, or remains stable. It will never shrink." So now you can see the equality of the second law of thermodynamics with respect to entropy. As a second rule, there are similar ways of expressing the other 3 rules of thermodynamics in a way that is acceptable in the dark open as well. Relationships with the rules of thermodynamics suggest that perhaps the dark opening is a really warm body. In thermodynamics, there is something that many call a black body.
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A black body is a device that does not send or mirror any radiation, it only keeps the rays. Similarly, a black opening is the same thing that does not connect or plugin any radiation, it just keeps going. Includes photos. In the event that black exposure can be considered a black body, there should be a related temperature, due to the fact that the black body in thermodynamics always has a temperature. In any case, in the event of heat, it should shine here and there. However, at the moment we have a problem, for the reason that as shown by the science of archeology, the black openness should move anything. Things just come in. No items should come out. So how can we find these two assumptions? By the time Stephen Hawking saw these thoughts, he thought the glowing black openness was unbelievable. He began to show why they would not shine. However, when he incorporated the laws of quantum mechanics into a common relationship, he found that the opposite is true. He understood that things could get out of hand in the sky of the event. In 1974, he distributed a piece of paper in which he reflected part of this light. So what tool did he set that would allow dark openings to produce photons? So the most difficult explanation is this: The whole room interacts with the visible particles that come into existence everywhere. This depends on the Heisenberg vulnerability law.
One version of the Foundation of Uncertainty can be written as follows: Delta E times Delta T is not exactly the same or equal to Planck's more than 4 equal. So, basically, the implication of this situation is that the vulnerability of the strengths and weaknesses in time is closely related because the result of the two is equal to consistency. Therefore, considering that you are fully aware of the power of the framework, you cannot have a clue as to when you made that estimate. Or on the other hand the visa versa, you can clearly see the time, but not the power. In any case, this situation advises you equally that you can get particles with energy delta E and at the chance of occurring in a much shorter time, delta t, until the effects of this are not as great as Planck's intensity above 4 pis. That is, particles can exist that ignore this level of risk. How is this possible? Indeed, this is a crazy aspect of quantum technology. Violation is allowed. However, as with non-compliance with the Heisenberg vulnerability law, the universe does not register or record its facts on the grounds that no measurement gadget would have the option to measure this directly. A molecule with a certain amount of energy is limited, as it were
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